Friday, May 27, 2011

2001 Greece Trip

I have a few pictures of Bob touring Greece with the Fulbright tour in summer 2001 that nicely illustrate Sammy Basu's reminiscencesBob was our tour's military expert. So he was really excited to stand on the very site where the combined Greek forces dealt the final, decisive blow to the army of the Persian invaders under Mardonios in 479 BCE.
Unfortunately, the site was completely overgrown with weeds, and everywhere rocks and debris from the ancient city formed hidden stumbling blocks. Bob fell badly and really hurt himself, but even wounded, he persevered and gave us all a lecture on the battle that saved Greece from Persian rule forever.

Bob with bloody knees in Plataea, being patched up by Carol Long (sitting) and Catherine Collins.

The other two images show Bob in Corinth and some fresh octopi waiting to be devoured by Bob and the rest of us in the harbor of Aegina.

Ortwin Knorr
Associate Professor of Classics
Director of the Center for Ancient Studies and Archaeology

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