Friday, May 27, 2011

Politics in the Extreme

Anyone who has had the privilege of knowing Bob Hawkinson likely has a story (or several) to share. He has been an influential part of the Willamette community for many years. Bob Hawkinson was certainly influential to me during my time at Willamette.

I took Politics in the Extreme with him in the spring of 2008, my sophomore year at Willamette. I was the only sophomore in the class dominated by soon graduating seniors. To be honest, I was a little intimidated to be surrounded by upperclassmen in a class being taught by the Dean. I survived the semester with long hours droning through large amounts of assigned reading and a few sleepless nights. The class covered the topics of the Iraq War, torture, terrorism, and the genocides of indigenous people throughout history.
The class was to conclude with a one-on-one oral exam with Bob Hawkinson spanning every topic of the semester. Again, I was intimidated as a young sophomore to have to battle for a good grade with such an intellectual man in the field of politics. While preparing for the final, I devised a great ice breaker to sever the tension and hopefully win over a decent grade. I arrived to his office for my final early while he was still out. When he arrived, he was shocked to find me in full camouflage wearing a ski mask threatening to torture him.  I had come prepared with a bag full of all the items needed to water board him. With him handcuffed, we paraded around the UC to different offices. I succeeded in breaking the ice and apparently passed the course, but more importantly I had one of the most enjoyable finals of my Willamette career.

Bob Hawkinson retired from his position of “Dean of the night” but still remained a common presence around campus. He was often found in the Bistro or strolling around Kaneko. We also shared parking spaces near each other and would engage in conversation in passing.  I often joked that I expected to see him roaming around in a robe with a cup of coffee in his retired state. He was a good person to bounce ideas off of and to cure senioritis while writing my politics thesis.

I am sad that I will be unable to share what I’ve accomplished since graduating with him, but I am grateful for the opportunity to have known Bob Hawkinson.

Brandon Petersen
Willamette CLA ‘10

1 comment:

  1. I well remember your "final" with Bob, too, Brandon - certainly one of the most unique I've seen! He so enjoyed his students - I think this was obvious. So fun to see you kept those pictures! Colleen
